Up in the Air

How do you know you’ve grown up?

It’s when you don’t ask for the window seat on planes anymore.

– Source unknown

But if this is remotely true, count a few years (or decades) of growing up in the future for me. Give me a seat with a view and I’ll be sorted for a few hours.

These photos were taken in the South East Asian skies, over Malaysia and Thailand on the way to our destinations on our trip to Siem Reap and Bangkok-Krabi in April.

So… which one is it for you – window seat or aisle seat? 

10 thoughts on “Up in the Air”

  1. No sure who said that but I feel bad for them. They had lost their wonder and adventure in life. There is a whole world to be seen through the window of an airplane and I am never tired of seeing or taking photos of the view:) Nice photos!


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